From Traditions to Betrayal : Church Traditions Misrepresenting the Bible


A number of biblical texts dealing with (or alleged to deal with) love, gender and sexuality have been the object of controversy and misinterpretation for centuries. This paper discusses prominent examples of mistranslations in both Testaments generated by centuries of church tradition found in Genesis 2, Genesis 18-19, Leviticus 18, the Book of Job, the Book of Ruth, 1 Corinthians 6, Romans 1, and the Fourth Gospel. Once the mistranslations become tradition, they generate new traditions which may be used to suppress or persecute minorities. To a surprising extent, these non-biblical approaches to the texts are widely accepted in 2022.


Renato Lings
Consultant and Resource speaker, GIN-SSOGIE, Madrid, Spain


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2022 Special Focus—Traveling Texts: From Traditions to Religions


Bible, Tradition, Translation, Misinterpretation, Mistranslation, Non-biblical, Minorities, Love, Gender, Sexuality