Assessing Social Workers' Working Alliance, Self-Efficacy, Attitudes, Behaviors and Perceived Feasibility Concerning the Integration of Clients' Religious and Spiritual Beliefs in Practice


This paper describes the results of a cross-sectional study of social workers’ views and behaviors related to integrating clients religion and spirituality (R/S) in practice. In addition, the study addresses the relationship between these and the professional working alliance, an alliance that is critical to promote client growth and development. A total of 131 Israeli Jewish and Arab social workers responded to the Religious/ Spiritually Integrated Practice Assessment Scale and the Working Alliance Inventory, that was distributed through the Israeli Social Workers Union and the Israeli social network, Facebook. Results indicate that social workers have favorable attitudes and high levels of self-efficacy. However, study participants report on low feasibility and low levels of integration of client’s R/S beliefs into practice. Social work field instructors report more positive attitudes towards R/S than non-field instructors yet as was the case overall, they report fewer behaviors related to integrating clients’ R/S into treatment. In addition, strong working alliances significantly moderated self-efficacy and the frequency of integration of R/S in practice. Findings strengthen those of earlier studies that indicate that R/S remains marginal in the profession. To begin to address this gap, it is necessary to develop standardized R/S education while addressing the importance of strong working alliances as significant moderators in the integration of R/S in practice.


Merav Moshe Grodofsky
Senior Faculty Member, School of Social Work , Sapir Academic College, Israel

Rebecca Ranz
Senior lecture , Social Work , Sapir College Israel , Israel


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Religious Foundations


Religion, Spirituality, Social Work Practice, Professional Education