The Study of Subtle Vibrations : A Fundamental Aspect of Religious Education and Religious Studies


Religious studies and religious education form the foundation for devotees who are seeking to experience the Divine. However, most studies focus on theoretical knowledge. While theory is important, the spiritual growth of any devotee/seeker is largely related to his spiritual experiences in relation to the Divine. This is something that no book can give by words alone. Fundamentally, all such studies should help to increase the spiritual positivity in people while reducing negativity in their lives. Often, religious studies lack in this aspect. Using energy scanners and the advanced perception of its team members, Maharshi University of Spirituality conducted a number of experiments to demonstrate the importance of being able assess spiritual vibrations to further one’s spiritual journey. Firstly, it was found that objects of devotion such as religious pictures, religious symbols, holy water, etc. can be affected by negative vibrations in the environment. Negative vibrations from such objects can compromise a seeker spiritually. One cannot take for granted that such objects will only emit positive vibrations. It was also found that devotees can be the target of negative energies, which could obstruct their spiritual efforts. Lastly, creating a positive environment for spiritual growth depends upon the life choices that a person makes, which includes the place to stay in, clothes, food, type of drinks, entertainment, etc. Learning to understand such subtle shifts and how they can affect one positively or negatively is of immense importance in a devotee’s spiritual journey.


Jayant Athavale
Founder, Spiritual Research, Maharshi University of Spirituality, Goa, India

Sean Clarke
Spiritual Science Research Foundation


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Religious Community and Socialization


Subtle Vibrations, Religious Studies, Spiritual Practice