The Role of Universities in the Promotion of Interfaith Harmony : A Case of University Students in Pakistan


The present research examines university students’ experiences with respect to having interfaith understanding in four universities of Pakistan. The research was based on qualitative methodology. The main objective of the study was to see if the modern universities were successful in implementing the agenda of spreading interfaith harmony or otherwise. A sample of 70 respondents was selected for the research purpose. The respondents were selected through consecutive sampling technique an a semi-structured interview schedule was one of the tools used to collect data from respondents. The analysis was guided by discourse analysis technique. The results of the study show that universities have key role to propagate the inter-religious and intra-religious understanding among the students. Their vision with respect to other sects and faiths was found to be relatively broadened. The diversity and respect towards other reach the climax during their stay on the campus. The study concluded that the modern higher educational institutions were one of the main sources for propagating the agenda of interfaith harmony. Universities were the playing field for bringing the situation of a melting pot for the students. The students of the universities confirmed the changes about respecting other faiths and sects. The study recommends enhancing the role of such activities in universities for bringing religious and cultural diversity in Pakistani society.


Asim Muneeb Khan
Senior Lecturer, Humanities and Social Sciences, Bahria University Islamabad, Islamabad, Pakistan

Latafat Aziz
Lecturer, Bahria University

Zaheer Abbas
PhD Scholar, Sociology, International Islamic University Islamabad


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Religious Commonalities and Differences


Harmony, Students, Interfaith, Religion