The Silent Sleeper: Our Rights During a Pandemic


This study explores the issue of rights during an event like a pandemic with COVID-19 as the backdrop. The case study for this interpretative research is New York City and a cluster of states in the tri-state area within the United States. However, this foundational exploration will also reference other countries and their major cities as COVID-19 still looms its ugly head. For countries that are considered democracies, how do rights fare when the government decides to further govern the populace to control disease outbreaks, etc.? For the United States in particular, what does religious freedom look like during a pandemic, especially when restrictions are made on how “religion” is done? This and more is explored and expressed during this review.


Janelle Christine Simmons
CEO, Sole Proprietorship, New York, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Politics of Religion


Amendments, New York, Pandemic, Personal Rights, Politics