Marital Relationships: The Islamic Perspective and Prevailing Practices in Pakistan


Marital relation in Islamic religious perspective is one of the most important social aspects of human life. The Islamic injunctions as the Divine revelations composed in the Holy Book of Quran and the sayings and deeds of the Holy Prophet, Muhammad (peace be upon him) have endorsed heterosexual marriages for all capable young men and women, and deliberated a detailed description of the rights, obligations, and equity between husband and wife including concepts of polygamy, divorce, remarriage, and inheritance in an integrated family system. The objective of this study is to indicate the gap between Islamic marital relationship knowledge and Muslim practices in Pakistan so as to indicate the need for a marital policy. In this article, the Islamic discourse on the subject is briefed, and with this reference, the prevailing Pakistani marital sociocultural practices are discussed. It is observed that many concepts and directions of Islam are being flouted today by most of its Pakistani believers in their marital relations, ceremonies, and practices. Conclusions and recommendations are given to advise a national marital policy to alleviate human sufferings so as to lead a happy marital life in Islamic domains and local sociocultural perspectives.


Gulzar Ahmad
Professor & Head, Psychology, Lahore Garrison University, Pakistan


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Religious Community and Socialization


Marital relations, Marriage, Family, Islamic perspective, Pakistani perspective