Polemics of Postmodern Politics : A Deconstruction of the Text “Why I Am Not a Hindu?” by Kancha Ilaiah


It is an attempt to review a socially revolutionary text on thenHindu caste system, which is a severe and serious criticism from the Sudra perspective as per the author’s view. It questions whether this contemporary classic can be deconstructed from the Derriderian construct to offer not merely a general critique of the text or a sympathetic general review but it is as serious as author’s view and outlook. The very method the author adopted itself is a truly revolutionary and postmodernist that no one can ignore the text anymore as the author himself claims, “Why I am not a Hindu?” The various sections are either from communist party ideologue, activists of Dalits or feminists and question those whom it targeted against i.e., Brahminical socio-political economic order which an openly exploits spiritually under-privileged classes. However, the outspokenness of the author gave its distinct identity not only to the the text but also to the context. The genuineness and originality of the text such an outstanding recognition it brought to the author cannot be separated even from deconstructivist perspective. This Derridean argument which proposes no text is final and as many as interpretations are possible so nothing comes out of it as a final result but expect the interpretation itself and also text may have concealed meaning rather what it out-rightly speaks. In this context, this paper tries describe and analyse how the text shown its severe impact on Indian civil society vis-à-vis culture, politics, religion, and spirituality.


Ram Shepherd Bheenaveni
Assistant Professor, Sociology, Osmania University, Andhra Pradesh, India


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Religious Commonalities and Differences


Polemics, Postmodernism, Religion, Subaltern Studies, Hindu