The Prophecy of the Later World in Daesoon Jeon-Gyeong of a Korean New Religion: Jingyeong and Siningan


The core tenets of Daesoon Jinrihoe in Jeungsanism are encapsulated in the teachings of Yinyanghapdeok 陰陽合德, Sininjohwa 神人調化, Haewonsangsaeng 解寃相生 and Dotongjingyeong 道通眞境. Among them, the first three teachings eventually turn towards the prophetic thought of Dotongjingyeong, which is the process of man becoming a divine figure. While these principles are considered crucial advice for overcoming an unstable life, there are many curious questions that help for better comprehension. What is the reality of Jingyeong 眞境 for their followers? How can one reach the ultimate stage under this belief system? Is this ideological concept different from other major religions? How is this concept related to the idea of Jisangcheonguk (地上天國, earthly paradise)? This paper analyses these issues of Jingyeong from the historical and social narratives of Haengnok (行錄, Acts), Gongsa (公事, Reordering Works), Gyoun (敎運, Progress of the Order), Gyobeop (敎法, Dharma), Gwonji (權智, Authority and Foreknowledge) and Yaesi (豫示, Prophetic Elucidations) in Jeon-Gyeong 典經 and also from the ontological approaches of East Asian faiths in order to identify alternative notions of Daesoon cosmology. The paper, based on the sayings of Kang Jeungsan, particularly his philosophy of the Later World, argues the insight that the Jingyeong world can be interpreted as created through the Cheonjigongsa (天地公事, Reordering Works) project in terms of Gaebyeok (開闢, Great Opening) and the earthly paradise as open only for those who achieve the condition of Siningan (新人間, being a human-god) by the personal cultivation of Dotong (道通, the unity with Dao).


David W. Kim
Associate Professor, School of History, Australian National University and Kookmin University, Australia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Religious Commonalities and Differences


Jingyeong Daesoonjinrihoe Jeon-Gyeong Gaebyeok Reordering Works