The Correct Definition of the Expectation of Religion and Its Role in Improving the Behavior of Believers in Society


One of the most important factors that makes religion not play an effective role in society is the incorrect definition of expectation of religion. Believers are divided into three groups according to their expectations of religion.The first group is the followers of maximum expectation. They believe that religion can and should be present in all areas of life and we can answer for anything through religion. The second group is the followers of the minimum expectation of religion. From their point of view, religion is limited to the individual aspect of human life and only to its relationship with God. They oppose the presence of religion in social relations. After the rise of secularism, the second view has been strengthened. But the third group is those who believe that religion is not limited to individual matters. On the other hand, they believe that religion does not have a complete plan for all aspects of life. The philosophy of religion is not to address all aspects of human life. They believe that in addition to individual affairs, religion is also present in society. Religious morality makes a believer a person who behaves better in society with spirituality and morality. The first and second definitions of expectation from religion will cause challenges in the behavior of believers.The first definition will lead to coercion and violence, and the second definition makes religion ineffective. The correct definition of expectation from religion improves the outcome of believers’ behavior in society and makes them effective individuals.


Meysam Kohantorabi
Assistant Professor, Bozorgmehr University of Qaenat, Iran


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Religious Commonalities and Differences


Expectation of religion, Society