Modern Slavery In Nigeria: An Islamic Perspective


This paper considers the concept of modern slavery from an Islamic perspective. The study defines the concept and explores its facets in our society, which includes but is not limited to child abuse, child labour, forced marriage, kidnapping, forced prostitution, forced labour among others, and establishes the various Islamic dictates on them. Our study is delimitated to the Nigerian terrain, with view to capturing the statistical data and manifestations available on incidences of modern slavery in our society and analyzing these in the mirror of Islamic viewpoints. This research is carried out with analytical research methodology, using relevant literatures, recent studies and data of findings by agencies. Our findings reveal that modern slavery is still prevalent and taking various forms in Nigeria. Our study recommends compulsory early and affordable continuing education system and a holistic empowerment program, especially for female citizens, with various vocational skills acquisition for non privileged individuals across board. There is also an identified need for the government to create public guidance and counseling centers, social intervention programs, poverty alleviation programs, integration support system for victims of modern slavery in psychological trauma, to strengthen relevant agencies to improve on the existing information and orientation of the populace on modern slavery.


Kabir Olawale Paramole
Professor, Religions and Peace Studies, Lagos State University, Lagos, Nigeria


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Religious Community and Socialization


Modern, Slavery, Islam, Nigeria, Forced Labour, Human-Trafficking