A Factorial Analysis on a Human Values Scale and Its Correlation to Frequency of Prayer in Europe


The study considers correlations between frequency of prayer and human values. The European Social Survey integrated database of 2016, round 8, a cross-national survey, is used to this purpose. It has been found that the human values scale used in the survey can be factorized to three main elements. The new factors are associated to what could be called as individual, social, or legal values. Comparing these factors to those who either pray daily or never pray we found that being woman and older as well as being more prosocial (factor 2) oriented to norms and security (factor 3) and less individually oriented (factor 1) is associated with those who pray daily. Further studies should be conducted as to expand and improve the model.


Rubén Herce
Profesor Contratado Doctor de Filosofía de la Ciencia, University of Navarra


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Religious Community and Socialization


Human Values, Prayer, Prosocial