Focused Discussions

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The Divine Psychotic Break: Surviving in a Patriarchy, Nurturing the Sacred Feminine

Focused Discussion
Judith Pentz,  Melanie Richardson  

In this era of #MeToo it becomes imperative to address the insanity that has been created by the severing of the feminine from the Divine Triarchy. An inflammation of the spirit, a psychosis, has supported the degradation, debasement, and diminishment of females in the reign of the Patriarchy. Held hostage by gender roles, exclusion, and violations the Sacred Feminine has survived abuses and repression, by hiding in plain sight. Explorations of the Dark Goddesses which symbolize the cunning and sexual nature of the female to the Archetype of the cast out female in the salvation of Mary Magdalene are needed to bring the reverence back to the Sacred Feminine. This undertaking sets the stage for the analysis of the mental and spiritual illness created by the severing of half the Divine Self in each member of society. The imbalance of a Patriarchy or Matriarchy is equivalent to living in a spiritual family with divorced parents. The fullness of a relationship with both parents is denied and gaps in psychospiritual development occur. If the Sacred Feminine is brought out of the shadows, we can bask in the light of our nurturer, protector, and teacher. In this act the Patriarchy can be transformed into the Divine Masculine. With challenging the values and images we have been given in this era, we can set the stage for a Divine reunion. A healing opportunity starts with the first admission that we are under the ravages of a spiritual disorder; A divine psychotic break.

A Living Sense of Brotherhood and Sisterhood

Focused Discussion
Cooper Michael  

These words from the Book of Genesis remind us that we are called to hold each other in sacred trust. Thus, a living sense of “Brotherhood and Sisterhood” stand as the religious and spiritual symbols of Hope and Promise. Yet many silos of religious deception, sexual abuse, individual and corporate greed, et cetera exist locally and globally. The cover-up of sexual abuse of children and young people not only by the American Catholic bishops in Pennsylvania but also by bishops worldwide stands as one of the most egregious and disheartening factors in destroying the bonds of trust. This paper will begin by exploring the dynamics of secrecy and of individual- and collective cover-up for the sake of protecting the Catholic Church at the cost of being Sister and Brother to vulnerable children. The needed spiritual and emotional healing and transformation for this and many other abuses can only come through a shared spirituality. We will first explore the dynamics of German theologian Friedrich Schleiermacher for facing threats and change by dealing with that underlying inferiority masking as superiority as well as by owning any latent fears. In addition, the discernment of spirits of Ignatius Loyola will help us sort through that path to Sisterhood and Brotherhood. By letting go of the false protections and the fear of something new as well as confronting any individual and collective self-serving attitudes and behaviors through discernment, we will be freed to embrace each other as Sisters and Brothers here and afar.

Reason, Faith and Intuition

Focused Discussion
Tina Lindhard  

In this discussion, we take the point of view that reason and intuition rest on two different epistemological ways of obtaining information about nature, the Cosmos and ourselves. Faith is the common factor that underlies the reliance on either method. Reason and intuition are seen here as being linked to two different principles, the Male and the Female Principle. Science is primarily based on reason, the Male Principle and Spirituality mainly on intuition, the Female Principle. As the latter has been depreciated for over two thousand years, it has resulted in religions being considered as separate from the Spirituality. This shift in perspective from faith in a Religion to faith in a way of obtaining knowledge helps us realize that Spirituality underlies and is at the heart of all religions. It also gives us clues regarding the methods used by all great Spiritual leaders to connect to and discover their true identity or Self, as well as pointing how to follow in the different leaders' footsteps and become disciples rather than just believers. This shift also foments respect for others following variations in the spiritual path.

Suffering in the Islamic Tradition and Its Influence on Spirituality

Focused Discussion
Tuba Erkoç Baydar  

There have always been illnesses that become a source of sorrow, pain and suffering for human beings, since the ancient times until the day. Hence, the first Islamic philosopher al-Kindî (d. 252/866) stated that suffering, including the one sourcing from an illness or the one resulting in death, is a part and inevitable aspect of life, and that if an individual does not suffer a bit in this world, it means s/he does not exist at all. Therefore, since suffering due to illnesses, problems, troubles and negative life events is the most important part of one’s existence, how this suffering will be interpreted and given a meaning should be paid special attention. In the Islamic tradition, pain and troubles are considered to have a role in the training of people, bringing them to maturity, and giving them the strength and will to tolerate and endure in the face of heavy troubles of this life. In order to explain the meaning of suffering in the Islamic tradition, firstly the words used in the literature in relation to suffering, and their epistemological roots will be examined. Secondly, philosophical and sufistic grounds of suffering in the Islamic literature will be presented and their effect on the generation of juridical verdicts in the Islamic law will be discussed. After these chapters that aim to build the theoretical grounds for the issue, the interpretation of the suffering in an intercultural context will be examined through a case example.

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