Artificial Intelligence and the Climate Emergency: The Role of Education in Building a Sustainable Future


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a transformative force in various sectors, offering significant advancements in medicine, engineering, education, and environmental sustainability. However, its rapid growth and widespread adoption raise concerns about its environmental impact. This study examines the environmental emergency caused by the extensive use of AI, discussing current and potential consequences, exploring mitigation strategies, and proposing necessary policies to address this emerging crisis. The energy consumption of AI, particularly in data centers, contributes significantly to the carbon footprint and global warming. The production of hardware and the rapid obsolescence of electronic devices also exacerbate the problem of electronic waste. Additionally, AI’s indirect impacts, such as increased demand for electronic devices and habitat alteration, further contribute to environmental degradation. This study highlights the importance of education in raising awareness about the environmental impact of AI. It emphasizes the need to integrate AI education into curricula to empower students with the knowledge and skills to use AI responsibly and sustainably. By fostering collaboration between educators, researchers, developers, and policymakers, we can harness the potential of AI to address environmental challenges while minimizing its negative consequences. Ultimately, this paper calls for a comprehensive approach that combines technological innovation with environmental responsibility to ensure a sustainable future for AI.


Cesar Augusto Gutierrez Rodriguez
Docente Investigador, Programa de Ingeniería de Software, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO, Cundinamarca, Colombia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2025 Special Focus: Human Learning and Machine Learning—Challenges and Opportunities for Artificial Intelligence in Education.


Artificial Intelligence, Environmental Impact, Sustainability, Education, E-waste, EdTech, IA