Effective Leadership through Teamwork: Expanding Means of an Organization


A leader does not always choose the best option to achieve the objective of an organization or system due to the decision-making process conditioned by personal experiences throughout life, including academic training. For this reason, teamwork is described as an alternative to achieve an effective leadership that overcomes the obstacle of limited rationality and expands the means. The effectuation process obtains an effect through a combination of abilities and experiences of the members of the organization in a cycle that creates new means and goals in a system oriented to the innovation by the interaction of the limited rationality, teamwork, and the principles of entrepreneurship. The effectuation process is based on the following entrepreneurship principles: i) bird in hand - an effect should be sought based on the means we have, ii) affordable loss - there is an economic and personal cost for not creating or creating the desired effect within the system, iii) crazy quilt - seeks commitment and professionalism from the project participants from the beginning till the end, iv) lemonade - seeks to take advantage of unforeseen and unfortunate events and v) pilot on the plane - faced with the crisis, a person who knows how to deal with it is required. Teamwork helps an entrepreneur or decision marker to consider different points of view to choose the best option, the leader must keep an open mind to different opinions and be able to observe the overlooked aspects.


Iván Vázquez Cenil
Student, Master, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Distrito Federal, Mexico

América Celeste González Navarrete
Student, Mechanical engeneering, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Distrito Federal, Mexico

Fernando Elí Ortiz-Hernández
Profesor-Investigador, ESIME U.C., Instituto Politécnico Nacional IPN, Distrito Federal, Mexico


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Educational Organization and Leadership


Leadership teamwork limited rationality effectuation entrepreneurship principles organization and professionalism