Constructive Indigenization: Educational Pathways to Indigenous Ways of Knowing and Being


This research proposes the concept of “Constructive Indigenization” as a theoretical construct for applying uniquely Indigenous cultural values, world views, and perspectives to create equitable learning experiences for Indigenous students. The author describes the relationship between Constructive Indigenization and decolonization; considers the unique socio-cultural factors that affect the educational experiences of Indigenous people within the borders of the United States; and proposes Constructive Indigenization as a mechanism for revealing areas where Indigenous ways of knowing and being can be applied to create learning environments that transcend the systemic barriers encountered by Indigenous students for generations.


Patricia Hornback
Associate Professor and Coordinator, Master of Science Native American Leadership, Southeastern Oklahoma State University, Oklahoma, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2021 Special Focus - Universalism or Particularism: Knowledge and Power in the Process of Decolonization Revisited


Decolonization, Indigenization, Education, Equity, Native-American, Indigenous