Quality Online Tutoring: Preparing Pre-service Teachers to Serve Students in Rural Areas


This project seeks to improve and expand an online tutoring program in one teacher preparation institution in a Northwestern area of the United States. To better serve rural area students and provide better teaching experiences in remote places for pre-service teachers (PSTs), this study had developed an online tutoring program to produce effective online tutors to support rural students’ learning. In addition, it also explores PSTs’ perceptions on education and willingness to serve in remote school districts. The results indicate that the PSTs were able to increase their self-efficacy, skills, and attitudes toward rural areas through the online tutoring experiences. Also, these participants pointed out the reasons for being willing to or not wanting to teach in rural areas. Finally, this study has identified some essential components of a successful online tutoring model.


Hsing-Wen Hu
Professor, Department of Teacher Education, Coastal Carolina University, South Carolina, United States

Grant Sasse
Dean of Curriculum, Accreditation and the School of Professional Studies and Applied Sciences, Chadron State College, Nebraska, United States


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Technologies in Learning


Online Tutoring, Rural Areas, Pre-service Teachers