Professional Continuing Education for Senegalese Bioethicists in Gender Mainstreaming


The “Building Capacities in Gender Mainstreaming for Ethics Committee Members from Senegal to West Africa” project aims to develop the careers of members of West African National Research Ethics Committees through continuing capacity-building programs in mainstreaming sex and gender approaches in research monitoring and evaluation. In January 2020, the Training Programme in Gender Mainstreaming and Sex and Gender Approaches to Evaluating and Inspecting Health Research was conducted for collaborators of the Senegalese National Health Research Ethics Committee (CNERS). Following the training, all the trainees were invited to answer a Career Assessment survey, and based on their responses, received mentorship and career development opportunities. An internship at the Aragon Research Ethics Committee (Spain) was offered to four trainees to encourage North-South knowledge and skills transfer and exchange. The 2020 training was replicated as a trainees-led refreshment training in January 2021. A mixed-methods evaluation of knowledge acquisition, satisfaction, and the trainees’ post-training attitudes concerning gender mainstreaming was conducted. Twenty participants attended the first training and 18 attended the refreshment version. Ten participants attended both. Knowledge acquisition had an overall improvement of 8.54% in 2020 (11.25% for women and 4.58% for men), and an increase of 16.67% in 2021 (equal for women and men). Concerning attitudinal changes, 74% agreed on gender mainstreaming’s importance for all phases of their research projects and their lines of work. This training is expected to empower the CNERS to design and implement continuing gender equality training to contribute to the reduction of gender and health inequalities


Farah Nabil
Student, PhD in Health Sciences, University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain

Carme Campoy Guerrero
Research and professor staff, Nurse and Physiotherapy, University of Lleida, Barcelona, Spain

Elhadji Mbaye
Head of Health and Social Science Unit, IRESSEF: Institut de Recherche en Santé, de Surveillance Epidemioloque et de Formations, Senegal

Guillermo Z. Martínez Pérez
President, African Women's Research Observatory, Spain

Sarr Samba Cor
Research Manager, Ministry of Health, Senegal


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Adult, Community, and Professional Learning


Gender Mainstreaming, Gender Equality, Bioethics, Professional Development, Workplace Learning, Continuing