Developing a Student Success Plan


Indiana University East is a small regional campus of Indiana University. Our enrollment is around 4,000 students. In 2018, IU East participated in a program that afforded us the opportunity to examine our efforts in the area of student success. The Higher Learning Commission’s Student Success Academy (SSA) was a three-year project which involved a systematic analysis of the current state of our campus’ student success initiatives and programming geared towards the improvement of retention and graduation rates. The SSA required the analysis of four inventories: 1) data; 2) student success initiatives; 3) infrastructure (policies, practices, and procedures); and 4) student and faculty engagement. Each area was analyzed in an effort to gain an understanding of existing efforts, areas of campus strengths and weaknesses, and planning for future strategies. Findings revealed that our campus was in a good position – we have ample programming in place to support our students, yet there were many functional and strategic gaps in the way we were implementing our efforts. This has allowed us to identify additional student needs and helped us better understand what is working and what is not. In this session, we present our approach to the SSA and our work in data analysis in planning. We share our experiences and success to help others as they work to identify their own needs and efforts in student success initiatives.


Carrie Reisner
Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Engagement, Academic Affairs, Indiana University East, Indiana, United States

Tj Rivard
Associate Vice Chancellor , Academic Affairs, Indiana University East, United States

Stephanie Whitehead
Director, Center for Faculty Development, Indiana University East, Indiana, United States


Presentation Type

Focused Discussion


Educational Organization and Leadership


Retention, Student Success, Leadership