Bringing the Newsroom to the Classroom: Journalism Teachers Find Professional Experience Helps Improve Their Teaching


It’s been 20 years since California scholastic media adviser Karl Grubaugh examined how professional media and scholastic media work together. To cut to the chase, not much has changed. Although advisers from all over the country said they wanted to work closely with the pros in their area and would even do an internship, few advisers took advantage of any opportunities to work with the pros in the way that, for example, medical school students work with doctors. The ones who did take the time to work with the pros acknowledge through qualitative and quantitative techniques that it helped improve their classroom performance and the opportunities they were able to give their students. This paper reviews, as prior research dating as far back as 1938 shows, concrete experience leads to better learning.


Bradley Wilson
Associate Professor, Mass Communication, Midwestern State University, Texas, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Pedagogy and Curriculum


Journalism, Media, Classroom Performance, Scholastic Media, Internships, Concrete Experience, Learning