Artistic Disciplines and Pre-Service Teacher Education in Europe


Society is advancing, changing, and transforming faster and faster. Teaching should advance and adapt to social changes and for this, teachers must be prepared. This reality demands that pre-service teacher education should develop in students competencies that enable them to adapt. On the other hand, more and more studies are presenting art as a means for development and a pedagogical tool capable of creating spaces that allow theory to be put into practice in safe environments that are close to reality. Moreover, in schools, artistic competence is part of the curriculum and teachers are responsible for teaching artistic subjects, as well as promoting and guiding the development of artistic competence in students. Because of this situation, the following research question arises: Does the pre-service teacher education contemplate artistic education and provide teachers with tools that allow them to teach artistic subjects, as well as to use the different arts as tools to favor the development of artistic competence in their students? To answer this question, a comparative analysis is carried out to know the training that teachers receive in the different artistic disciplines, as well as in the use of these as a pedagogical resource in different countries of the European Union. Based on the results, improvements, lines of action, and solutions to the needs detected are presented.


Sara Fernández-Aguayo
Researcher, Universidade de Vigo, Spain

María José González Ojea
Universidade de Vigo

Rut Martinez-López de Castro
Universidade de Vigo


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Learning in Higher Education