Why Macao is Commended as a Fast-improving Economy in PISA 2018 Study: An Insider Perspective


Release of the PISA 2018 results revealed that Macao is not only a high-performing but also fast- improving economy in three core literacies, i.e. reading, mathematics, and science. Based on the study data this study seeks to show that Macao’s remarkable progress is due to the policy of the lowering of prevalence of grade repetition in Macao schools, which is widely regarded as a school-based accountability system seeking to guarantee minimum academic standards. Secondary data analysis of the Macao-PISA data was conducted, analyzing the trend of the rates of grade repetition of students studying at the primary and secondary levels in Macao schools against the backdrop of the percentage of Macao’s 15-year-old students studying at the various grade levels (i.e. Grade 7-12) in secondary schools. The trend over the six cycles of Macao-PISA assessment is that there is a greater percentage of 15-year-old students studying at grade levels appropriate to their biological age (i.e. Grade 9 and 10) in recent years. There is a big increase from 56% in 2003 to 88% in 2018. When more of the sampled students are studying at the modal grades the chance is that more of the sampled students are able to reach baseline standards in the three core literacies. The conclusion is that Macao is successful to base on PISA findings for informed policy making to raise education quality of its basic education system with excellence and effectiveness.


Kwok-cheung Cheung
Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Macau, Macao

Pou-seong Sit
Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Macau, Macao

Soi-kei Mak
Senior Researcher, Faculty of Education, University of Macau, Macao

Man Kai Ieong
Senior Researcher, Faculty of Education, University of Macau, Macao


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Assessment and Evaluation


Educational Excellence, Educational Effectiveness, Grade Repetition, PISA