Lifestyle and Psychological Wellbeing in the Work of Latvian Primary School Teachers


A teacher who does not see the positive in the future and is not trying to achieve their life goals will find it hard to be happy in the present. Psychological wellbeing is based on positive evaluation of one’s life and experiencing positive emotions regarding one’s work and its circumstances. Thus, it is important to study and analyse the psychological wellbeing of primary school teachers in relation to subjective lifestyle. The following research methods were used: Ryff’s Scales of Psychological Well-Being, and the Kern Lifestyle Scale. The primary school teachers’ lifestyle scale results were summarised using cluster analysis, resulting in four groups, which differed according to the degree on the lifestyle scale. Psychological wellbeing was compared with different lifestyles. The study did not cover gender differences, age and length of work experience. As a result, it was found that psychological wellbeing of primary school teachers is not pronounced. Setting life goals is related to the teachers focusing on the present rather than thinking about the future. Lifestyle is related to solving specific relevant everyday issues rather than expressing one’s opinion and beliefs. Lifestyle and psychological wellbeing are an integrative indicator of job satisfaction. Job satisfaction is implied by a positive significant correlation for self-acceptance (β=0.613, p<0.01) and personal growth (β=0.508, p<0.05). Job dissatisfaction is implied by a negative significant correlation for autonomy (β=-0.527, p<0.01), environmental mastery (β=-0.561, p<0.01), and purpose in life (β=-0.613, p<0.01).


Valerijs Dombrovskis
Associate Professor, Pedagogy and Educational Psychology, Daugavpils University, Latvia


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Educational Organization and Leadership


Job Satisfaction, Lifestyle, Primary School Teacher, Psychological Wellbeing