What's Old is New: A Sustainable Redesign of Everyday Things


Students in my Sustainable Design course were tasked to leverage the power of AI (generative design) in order to reduce material use, light-weight and strength-optimize parts by using Autodesk Fusion 360. When designers enter the industry in the built world, we are often faced with limitations to production, manufacturing and supply chain that work against some of the most sustainable material and circular design options out there. For this reason, the approach I took was to empower students with immediate tools to approach their design-work with any company. Unfortunately, when it comes to consumer products, most of the time these products will end up being some form of a plastic and eventually end up in land-fill. If we are able to reduce the raw materials used by even a small amount, it can result in an exponential decrease in the environmental impact over its life cycle; first by reducing raw material used and then by reducing it’s environmental footprint in landfill. Fusion 360’s generative design feature leverages AI to remove material where it can and add material where necessary in order to achieve performance requirements. This can help reduce waste and create stronger products that are less likely to break down or need replacement; thus helping design more sustainable products.


Kohar Scott
Assistant Professor, Industrial Design, San Jose State University, California, United States


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase


Technologies in Learning


AI, Technology, Generative, Design