Sexual Violence Prevention and Response: A Campus-wide Education Initative


Research suggests that universities are one place where intervention efforts are most needed to prevent sexual violence. Recognizing this need, universities have implemented various interventions focused on singular topics (e.g., consent awareness campaigns, bystander intervention training). However, these programs have shown inconsistent results regarding their ability to change behaviour. Consequently, scholars have called for a more comprehensive approach to sexual violence prevention. To answer this call, we sought to develop a theory-based comprehensive sexual violence prevention course that utilized a dual stream approach. Sexual Violence Prevention and Response: We are all part of the solution is an asynchronous online course targeting higher education students, staff and faculty with the goal of promoting a campus community living, learning and working in an environment free of sexual violence. Recognizing and seeking to reach a diverse campus community, our priority was to design both workplace learning and continuing education that would be engaging, relevant, and readily accessible for learners. An overview of the program logic model and needs assessment conducted to inform the development of this sexual violence intervention education is documented.


Kristine Dreaver Charles
Instructional Designer, Distance Education Unit, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan, Canada

Brittany Thiessen
Graduate Student, Psychology, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan, Canada


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Adult, Community, and Professional Learning


Higher Education, Workplace Learning, Continuing Education, Sexual Violence Intervention Education