Roll of Students as Aggressors against Teachers and Expectative Post-confinement by COVID-19: Pre-confinements and Expectative Post-confinement as a Source of Incongruity


Violence against teachers is a psychosocial risk, which is related with a high global prevalence, and it is unknown what influence the period of social isolation imposed by the COVID-19 restrictions has supposed. Various descriptive studies of this pre-confinement phenomenon coincide in stating that before the pandemic, between 5 and 10% of teachers were victimized by members of the educational community. The period of social confinement due to COVID-19 was key to testing the quality of relationships between members of the educational community. Previous studies conclude that most of the attacks coincide with previous attacks the year before. Based on the studies that we present, the objective of this work is to analyze the expectations expressed by the teachers of the primary stage regarding the fact of being attacked once the period of social distancing has ended. The hypothesis that is postulated proposes that primary school teachers show a high number of expectations of being attacked once the social confinement has ended. A total of 35 teachers participated, responding to a semi-structured interview and a questionnaire in the second week of home confinement. The results confirmed the hypothesis of the present work, revealing some keys to the profession that until now had not been known. Teachers are in a state of incongruity in which, on the one hand, they are victims of the aggressiveness of their professional environment and, on the other, they are the keeper of their aggressors.


Rocío Moreno-Delgado
Faculty of Psychology, University of Córdoba, Córdoba, Spain


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Learner Diversity and Identities