When East Coast Meets West Coast: Integrating Theory and Pedagogical Practice in Secondary History Education


Wilke and Straits (2001) emphasize the importance of the student’s existing knowledge in Inquiry Based Learning. They define IBL as learning occurring when the learner constructs an understanding of new information by associating it with prior knowledge in an organized and systematic way. Within this context, IBL is a student-based exploration of real-life problems using the processes and the tools of inquiry. Creating a classroom climate of trust and belonging, students are able to take risks and investigate topics that are interesting and have a significant historical impact. Educators from the East and West coasts of the USA share promising practices for engaging students of marginalized backgrounds in global and local historical inquiry. This session provides an overview of the United States-based National History Day inquiry project, which engages students of history in the development of a research question related to an annual theme, rigorous analysis of primary and secondary sources, development of historical arguments, and presentation of information. The presenters will demonstrate how inquiry-based learning projects and placed-based learning can engage students in the analysis of global, national, and local history through thematic learning units. We will also consider the benefits and challenges that arise when implementing these programs in schools and communities that have traditionally been underserved, with recommendations for equity-minded educators.


Deborah Bartley Carter
Educator, English Language Arts, Joseph H. Brensinger School- Jersey City , New Jersey, United States


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


Learner Diversity and Identities


History, Indigenous Cultures, Inquiry Based Instruction, Secondary School, Diversity