TEFL in Spain : Diversity and Inclusion


This proposal is aimed at EFL practitioners who teach English in Spain to young Spanish and foreign-born students. The challenges facing these teachers include linguistic background, learning needs, learning style, cultural differences, religion, gender, etc. This proposal addresses the EU perspective by examining European Commission policies which are later implemented in national and regional laws. Promoting equality and diversity in school is essential for the further social integration of these children as they grow up. Encouraging empathy, openness to new experiences, intellectual humility, and self-confidence also helps students to better integrate themselves into the global community. The current Covid-19 pandemic is another example of the 21st-century challenges that should be tackled together. This proposal provides practical classroom-management solutions that promote team building among the group members. It also explores different modes of delivery (face-to-face classes, online learning, and blended learning) and offers a variety of digital tools for interactive collaboration to support communication and creativity in the 21st-century classroom.


Alexia Larchen Costuchen
Associate Lecturer, Applied Linguistics, Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia, Spain


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Technologies in Learning


Teaching English, Diversity, Inclusion, Interactive Collaboration Tools