Making a Difference With Underprepared College Students: How to Help


An overwhelming number of college professors report frustration with the difficulties associated with students who do not seem to be properly prepared for college life and academic success (Sanoff, 2006). Not only do professors struggle with the academic challenges of unprepared students, universities have been dealing with the negative outcomes of dismal retention rates, increased amounts of remedial instruction needed, poor writing skills, lack of study habits, and wildly low graduation rates (Gabriel, 2006). This study is for those interested in making a difference with students who are at risk. Using research from faculty and student services, the session will include a focus on practices that all instructors can implement to make an immediate difference in student success and university wide retention. Participants will be able to return to their schools equipped with strategies aimed at reversing these negative trends.


Randall Woodard
Chair, Associate Professor, Philosophy, Theology, and Religion, Saint Leo University, Florida, United States

Jessica Mabry
Clinical Instructor, University of South Florida


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Learning in Higher Education


Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Unprepared Students