Enacting Teacher Agency for Curriculum Redesign in Taiwan: An Approach of Cultural and Historical Activity Theory


Organizing networks beyond schools for teachers’ learning has been regarded as an alternative other than school-based learning community to stimulate school innovation. Yet, despite of unending efforts and initiatives occurred in schools, the function of this sort of teacher networks has less studied. Organizational tensions and problems, nevertheless, are regarded in Cultural Historical Activity Theory as a thrust of investigation to unfolding agentic action for change . This paper studies a teacher group organized at the national level to build a culture of collaboration and innovation in making efforts on curriculum redesign and supporting teachers’ professional development nation-wide. The concept of object-oriented activity is used to study teacher agency and its action in educational reform situation. The study focuses on collaboration between teachers and other stakeholders in redesigning tools to resolve problems in curriculum redesign. The findings reveal how the taskforce of teacher group has been built and what mediates teachers to come across schools to negotiate what is to be learned and what should to be organized for practice-based learning. The networked initiatives of teacher agency are also explored to deepen understanding of agency and curriculum reform situations.


Peiying Chen
Professor, Department of Education, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Adult, Community, and Professional Learning


Cultural Historical Activity Theory, Teacher Agency, Professional Development