Development of an Industrially Relevant Module in a Blended Format : A Practical Approach to Teaching Control


This study describes the introduction and implementation of a new industrially relevant module in the undergraduate chemical engineering curriculum. Process dynamics and control is an important core module in chemical engineering. Students are introduced to dynamic modelling, and analysis of simple process and control systems at the unit level with a heavy inclination on mathematical analysis. Besides this, it is important for chemical engineering graduates to have a proper understanding of complex control systems at the plant level, as these are vital for optimal and safe operation of chemical processes. With the aim of providing students with this much-needed exposure to practical applications of control, I proposed a Year 4 elective module named Control of Industrial Processes. Students get to perform the design and performance analysis of plant-wide control systems with the aid of realistic dynamic (real-time) simulation. The course learning outcomes have been carefully formulated (incorporating all six hierarchies of Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives). The teaching, learning, and assessment methods include interactive lectures, hands-on simulation tutorials, in-class activities, class test, individual assignments, and a group project. The flipped classroom approach and peer instruction has been extensively adopted whereby active learning is facilitated by having student group discussions in groups of 4-5 followed by sharing sessions in class (for example, before every important topic or concept is introduced). The new module complements the theory-based control module and has been very well received by students as indicated by overwhelming subscription, students’ active participation in class activities, and positive feedback comments.


Suraj Vasudevan
Senior Lecturer, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Pedagogy and Curriculum


Pedagogy, Curriculum Innovation, Active Learning, Specialized Instruction