The Intersection between Data-Driven Action and Diversity in Higher Education: Promoting Equity, Access, and Inclusion


This session shares the details of how a committee in a higher education environment utilized data to make informed decisions for equity, access, and inclusion initiatives. The Diversity & Inclusion Action Committee collected, analyzed, and used surveys to make data-driven program improvements across departments and programs. The responsive action recommendations made based on data included the development of diversity standards for curriculum development, syllabi initiatives to expand access, a continuum for developing global cultural competence, the development of reports to further faculty understanding of the student population, and the analysis of desegregated data by subgroup. The presentation highlights the five-year progress and examples of implementing diversity and inclusion initiatives based on data and share actionable ideas other institutions of higher education can implement to advance equity and access.


Misty LaCour
Professor, Education and Communication, Purdue University Global, United States

Julia Nyberg
Purdue University Global

Dena AuCoin
Purdue University Global

Kelvin Beckett
Purdue University Global

Lisa Wright
Purdue University Global

Carolyn Mckeon
Adjunct Professor, Behavioral and Social Sciences, Purdue University Global, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Learner Diversity and Identities


Inclusive Education, Multicultural Learning, Social Justice