Evaluating Best Practices using a Multiple Measures Assessment Framework


Institutions across the United States are considering, piloting, or implementing a Multiple Measures Assessment Framework (MMAF) to improve the transition and shorten the timeline to college-level mathematics and English courses, and to ensure students remain on track for their areas of study without having to repeat prior coursework. Some initiatives are driven by legislation, outside entities, or as part of an institution’s strategic plan. This focused discussion will provide an opportunity for a lively and fruitful conversation on MMAF as we discuss: (1) If MMAF means a combination of measures, or a single best measure selected from multiple options; (2) Selection of measures used in a MMAF; (3) Examples of institutions using MMAF; (4) Efficacy, equity, and longitudinal data from MMAF; and (5) The impact of MMAF on students. Institutional data and practices, and the moderator’s experience serving on State Senate Advisory Council evaluating legislation regarding multiple measures for gateway level coursework, will be shared. There will also be time to synthesize and summarize the key discussions points and takeaways.


Alison Reddy
Director, Coordinator, Instructor, Mathematics, University of Illinois, United States


Presentation Type

Focused Discussion


Assessment and Evaluation


Multiple Measures Assessment College Readiness Efficacy Equity