Heroes and Superheroes for Boys and Girls: Same or Different


The main objective of this research project was to investigate young children’s’ concept of heroes and superheroes in order to understand the meanings and characteristic that children associate with them. Fifty children ages 3 and 4, including 21 boys and 29 girls participated in this research project. The data collection included children drawing and a semi structured interview. The results demonstrated that for children associate characters from movies and videogames as heroes or superheroes’ but rarely real people. The girls are more likely to label their family members as heroes and superheroes than boys. Today children’s culture evolves around the fictional character that are forming ideas of heroism.


Krystyna Teresa Nowak-Fabrykowski
Professor, Teacher Education and Professional development, Central Michigan University, Michigan, United States

William Sheahan Stahl


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Early Childhood Learning


Heroes, Superheroes, Boys, Girls, Heroism