Immersion and Theming in Theme Parks


While the terms “immersive” and “themed” are often blurred in their use, they are different constructs. A themed experience typically involves creating a cohesive environment that is consistent with a particular theme or setting. An immersive experience involves engaging the customer so they feel as though they are a part of the experience. When immersed the customer might feel they are “actually there” or experience time slippage. However, you can be immersed in a non-themed environment and not immersed in a themed environment; one does not presuppose the other. We lay out the similarity and differences of the two constructs in the context of theme parks and implications for theme park design and practices.


Robert Macy
Assistant Professor, Department of Management, University of Nebraska at Kearney, Armed Forces Americas, United States

Ray Eddy
Lecturer, Integrated Business, University of Central Florida, Florida, United States


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Tourism and Leisure Industries


Theme Parks, Immersion, Theming