Upscaling Vulnerable Heritage: Juxtaposing Adaptive Reuse Case Studies in India and Iran


This critical discussion maps and studies the sustainable practices inscribed in the upscaling and adaptive reuse of two heritage buildings; in Iran and India. The study adopts a mixed methodology: descriptive and analytical methods to discuss the design approaches taken to promote the environmental, social, and economic aspects of these resorts, considering their potential to promote sustainable tourism practices. Through a literature review, we generate parameters for environmental impact mitigation strategies, community engagement, and cultural preservation efforts. It also explores the economic viability of eco-resorts, including their financial models and market positioning. Challenges such as embodied costs, scalability, and infrastructure pain points are identified alongside the tangible benefits of design for meaningful leisure practices. The discursive outcomes serve to expand the base of formal case studies in adaptive reuse to promote sensitive and sustainable design strategies.


Lakshmi Krishnaswamy
Assistant Professor, School of Architecture, Anant National University, Gujarat, India

Mozhgan Hassani Kouchaki
Adjunct Faculty, School of Architecture, Anant National University, Gujarat, India


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2023 Special Focus—Post-Pandemic Tourism Transformations


Ecotourism, Eco-resorts, Sustainability, Adaptive Reuse