Co-designing Smart Tourism Experience for the Hotel Industry in the Post-Pandemic Era


Emerging trends of smart tourism theories primarily focus on how information and communications technology and big data influence marketing, product and destination development. However, an overt technical approach to formal outcomes, including product, services and technology, diminishes the concern on social dimensions and practices of those involved. This paper explores theoretical reviews and elaborate a few selected case studies of co-designing as an approach to evoke smart tourism experience through the all-inclusive hotel staycation experience in the post-pandemic era. Through the integration of Service-Dominant Logic and Resource-Based View Theory Model, co-designing moves from designing for people to co-designing with people. The study highlights the co-designing between the hotel management and the guests staying in the hotel. This approach is discussed in terms of stimulating a creative and ‘designerly mindset’ in the search for latent possibilities by linking existing tourism practices in the hotel industry with technologies and big data and through new social relations between stakeholders. In smart tourism, key concepts for enhancing tourism experiences are described as ‘value-adding experiences’ and ‘value co-creation’ mediated by technology, smart devices and real-time data. A central argument and contribution is made in theorizing that the potential value of big data to evoke innovation is only as great as the successful interplay of sensemaking and co-designs underpinning thick data practices. Key discussions from the reviews include that smart tourism is collaborative and its successful creation requires creating and sustaining of new relations in designing new experience for the post-pandemic tourists.


Nabila Norizan
Student, Doctor of Philosophy, University of Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia

Norhazliza Halim
Head, Tourism Planning Research Group, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2023 Special Focus—Post-Pandemic Tourism Transformations


Smart Tourism, Co-Designing, Value Creation, Hotel, Staycation Experience, Post-Pandemic