Orizaba Pueblo Mágico - a Case of Success : Change of Vocation from an Industrial City to a Tourist City


Orizaba used to be an industrial city, having many factories its economy suffered the consequences of automation and modernization of industry causing a social and economic crisis, and that is when Orizaba saw in tourism an opportunity to survive this crisis and fourteen years later it has become the most important tourist destination in the State of Veracruz, and one of the most important touristic cities in Mexico, earning the title of “Best Magic Town of Mexico” for five consecutive years. This government program “Magic Towns”, has been the most succesful project of the Secretary of Tourism of Mexico, which has been replicated in other countries. The life of the inhabitants of Orizaba, one hundred and twenty seven thousand people, who live in a city of twenty nine square km, changed for the best, and this is thanks to the work between government and society: having a good place to live, having all the municipal services working at its one hundred per cent and being example for the other administrations in the country, being recognized for seven consecutive years, for the government good practices, receiving national and internacional awards.


Jobo Lara Rivera Jobolara
Profesor, Universidad Veracruzana, Veracruz, Mexico


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2023 Special Focus—Post-Pandemic Tourism Transformations