Impacts of Climate Change Transformation Post-pandemic on Tourism in Spain: Andalusia Case Study


After the Pandemic, the tourist economies are returning to outdoors and recreation. However, a natural enemy is here - climate disruption’s impacts on our natural environment. The research is collecting new opportunities that may emerge from these ecosystem changes, cultural identities and economic and recreational opportunities based on your historical use and the interaction with species or natural resources in many areas at risk in Andalusia. The government wants to recover Post-pandemic tourism, and the researcher seeks to illustrate hypotheses for Public Administration to have an overview of its regulation. The research discussion is that climate disruption degrades outdoor recreation in many ways, directly affecting the tourism industry. The outcomes are 1. Proactive management strategies, such as using projected stream temperatures to set priorities for fish conservation, can help reduce disruptions to tourist economies and the recreation of Granada. 2. Without substantial and sustained mitigation and regional adaptation efforts, climate disruption is expected to cause losses to Andalusia’s tourism infrastructure and property and impede the rate of economic growth over the XXI century. As a finding, the government can anticipate and lead to management responses that increase chances for the tourism sector and vulnerable regions after the Pandemic, or they will have an ecological crisis in the tourist industry, fewer profits, and reduced taxes collection. The industry assumes that Andalusian people’s quality of life relies on the outdoor tourism benefits provided.


Claudia Ribeiro Pereira Nunes
Student, PhD, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain

Pedro Diaz Peralta
Visiting Fellow, Yale School of the Environment - Michelle L. Bell´s Research Group, Yale University, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2023 Special Focus—Post-Pandemic Tourism Transformations