Why Travel during a Pandemic?


The fear of COVID-19 has led to significant uncertainty and chaotic conditions in many sectors of the global economy, including the tourism and travel industry. The pandemic caused a major decline in travel activity and revenues due to restrictions on freedom of movement, border closings, and consumers’ fear of infection, as well closure of accommodation facilities, food service establishments, theme parks, attractions, and other leisure facilities. While some people avoided travel altogether, others needed to travel for different reasons including restoring well-being. The study investigates pandemic travelers’ search for well-being.


Asli D.A. Tasci
Professor, Tourism, Events and Attractions, University of Central Florida, Florida, United States

Ady Milman
Professor, Tourism Events and Attractions, Rosen College of Hospitality Management, Florida, United States

Robin M Back
Rosen College of Hospitality Management, University of Central Florida


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Changing Dimensions of Contemporary Tourism


Travel during Pandemic, Well-being, Personality, Sociodemographics