Using The Constraint Negotiation Model To Examine Travel Preferences Post-vaccination: A GSEM-Based Analysis


The study examines how vaccine trust affects the COVID-19 travel constraints (CTC) and changes travel confidence post-vaccination (PVTC) and travel preferences (TP). The effect of a mediator travel confidence and a moderator travel behaviour had on the correlation between CTC and TP were identified. Due to the binary trust measurement, a generalised structural equation model (GSEM) was used to analyse the complex correlations between the constructs while a structural equation model (SEM) was used for result verification. The GSEM was found to perform significantly better than the SEM. The main constraints were the vaccination status of tourism workers at the travel destination and finances. Therefore, transparency in terms of the vaccine status of tourism workers could increase PVTC while changes in TP could negotiate the financial restraints. This study provides vital theoretical and practical insights into how vaccinated individuals negotiate CTC in terms of PVTC and TP during the pandemic.


Kai Xin Tay
Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Business, Economics, and Accountancy, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2023 Special Focus—Post-Pandemic Tourism Transformations


Constraints, Negotiation strategies, Travel preferences, Travel confidence, Vaccination, GSEM and