Resident-led Tours: A Form of Resistance


Traditional mass tourism has offered tours that introduce tourists to aspects of a city on pre defined circuits. These standardized narration tours have excluded topics and locations of local value, especially of they challenge dominant discourse. This study asks whose stories are being omitted. Examples from Rio de Janeiro and Lisbon show how small-scale, resident-led tours can counter these, by focusing on African heritage, colonization and enslavement. These guides show a sense of agency in how their community is narrated and how they play a role in developing tourism initiatives. The study concludes with feedback from tourists and highlights these tours as a form of activism which celebrates local culture and uniqueness.


Carolin Lusby
Associate Professor, Chaplin School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Florida International University, United States

Natalia Marques da Silva
Digital Fellow, Haitian Studies Association, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2023 Special Focus—Post-Pandemic Tourism Transformations


Resilience, Tours, Activism, Residents