Strabo Project: The Cultural Landscapes of the Guadalquivir river as a sign of identity and motor for Tourism in Andalusia


The situation of economic and health instability experienced in recent years has become a serious threat to the protection, conservation and sustainability of Cultural Heritage, also causing profound changes in the way of understanding leisure and tourism. The need for innovative solutions, based on excellent research and technological development, have allowed us to implement alternative and transversal formulas to address Heritage, understood as a common legacy of collective responsibility, capable of enriching the tourist offer of our populations and their territories, becoming a factor of revitalization and a socioeconomic engine, especially in those places that lack a solid industrial fabric, which has allowed them to multiply their attractions and their projection in the world. The STRABO PROJECT has tried to convert the theoretical model into a practical model of scientific culture, which from a multidisciplinary and inter-territorial perspective allows an adequate, sustainable and strategic social profitability (tourism, cultural, educational, business, identity) of the Andalusian heritage and its landscapes. For this, the following methodological instruments have been followed: creation of catalogues, maps of needs, landscape studies, tourist analysis, design of routes and products, configuration of didactic resources and use of new technologies. The final objective has been to use in a sustainable way the material and immaterial remains of certain historical places to reactivate local economies, generate quality employment and strengthen the feeling of individual and collective identity, while creating multidisciplinary work tools available to the main heritage and tourism agents.


Ana Ruiz Osuna
Profesora, Historia del Arte, Universidad de Córdoba, Córdoba, Spain

Belén Vázquez Navajas
Universidad de Córdoba


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Critical Issues in Tourism and Leisure Studies


Heritage, History, Art, Culture, Landscape, Tourism, Industry, Sustainability