Design Approach for Zero Hunger and Built Environment Through Cloud Kitchen


Indian food caters to many cultures, were each state has their different food styles and menus. Their identify by the spices produced on the Indian land which delivers the flavor and essence to food, which rejuvenate the mood and satisfy the taste of people of all ages and cultures. The preparation techniques represent different cooking methods. The new normal post Covid in tourism and leisure industry is to implementing the concept of cloud kitchen, which incorporates the demand of traveler by assuring them their cuisine at any location from any corner of world, can be available with the taste what they expect. With that, the traveler does not have to worry about their health, as they are all aware about the ingredients used to cook the food. In terms of wastage, cloud kitchen will associate with the local community by the mobile app, which will save a lot of food. Adding more people fond of destination weddings may be an easy approach toward the commercialization cloud kitchen by using their service. It will save food and generate revenue for the entrepreneurs - and the organizer will save a healthy amount.


Parth Atulkumar Shah
Assistant Professor and Manager Makerspace, School of Design , Anant National University, Gujarat, India

Digital Media


Design Approach For Zero Hunger (Embed)


Design approach for Zero Hunger and destination wedding through Cloud Kitchen (pdf)
