Trinetra/Universal Eye: Coral Wombs Blossom within Blue Ecologies


My chromatic description of harmonies shared by women and oceans is my ‘water working’ series Trinetra (Universal-Eye) or Coral Wombs blossom within Blue Ecologies (2019-21), their ‘Coral Wombs’ being the principal source of life on earth. The cradle of life, the amniotic fluid within the woman’s womb, releases the newborn to breathe and drink from the ‘Blue Ecologies’, the waters of life. The relationship between women and oceans: their network, permanency, and global presence, reinforce the reality of the biosphere, as one of ecological solidarity towards environmental sustainability. Coral Wombs blossom within Blue Ecologies visualizes the oceans and their global web of seas, rivers, lakes, and holy wells as a feminine force and flux. Their ‘Coral Wombs’ nestled within ‘Blue Ecologies’ has a long history in the crosscurrents of rationalization, scholastic notions, and scientific epistemology of primeval civilizations, and even today for those that live in alignment with the eco-sphere. It is Coral Wombs [that] blossom within Blue Ecologies of both women and oceans, whose organic sagacity can disrupt the historically and culturally constructed dialogue of the elimination of biological life and restore our sense of connectedness. By contravening the dualities of ‘wild/natural’ oceans and women, and ‘cultivated/cultured’ land and men, to re-frame oceans and women as spaces of fertile Coral Wombs blossom within Blue Ecologies, as currently in circumstances of unparalleled risk. Thus, Coral Wombs [that] blossom within Blue Ecologies becomes a shared, immersive, and phenomenological experience for appreciating conversations and aesthetics surrounding these colossal ecological confronts and distresses.


Professor Roma Madan Soni
PhD, Department of Applied Arts and Design, Box Hill College Kuwait, Al Ahmadi, Kuwait


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2022 Special Focus—Responsible Post Pandemic Tourism: Built Environment and Design Excellence


Ecofeminism, Interdisciplinary, Feminism, Consumption, Politics of Representation, Trinetra, Universal-Eye, Transnational