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Trends in Medical Tourism: Comments from a Nursing Perspective

Virtual Lightning Talk
Dale Mueller  

This study examines the phenomenon of medical tourism, a growing segment of discretionary travel for consumers. Host countries are developing sophisticated medical infrastructure to accommodate the traveler wishing to arrange for procedures in a country other than their own at a lesser cost. The problem identified by the nurse researcher (RN) included a paucity of research in the literature regarding training of health care personnel for this tourism specialty. Training of personnel would include overseas patient transport, aftercare at the host facility, and follow-up care in the consumer's home locality. The questions driving this study included trends such as economic benefit to host countries, standards of care offered to consumers, practices of travel providers that offer packages for medical tourism, and implications for advanced practice nurses. Areas researched included skills needed to ensure patient safety during the journey, care for patients at the host locality, and identification of potential medical complications that may arise in the consumer’s own locality. The issue of elective procedures not covered by local insurance, at least for American consumers, creates medical and financial risk if complications occur. Implications for consumers, health care professionals, travel industry planners and trends in global health phenomena are addressed.

Promoting Intercultural Competence in Tourism Degrees in Portugal: A Comprehensive Review

Virtual Lightning Talk
Sandra Vasconcelos,  Hugo Sousa  

In an increasingly globalised society, where different and often opposing worldviews proliferate, hospitality workers must often interact with different cultures and mediate the relationship between visitors and the host communities. Rated as one of the most important skills in the hospitality industry, intercultural competence (IC) is steadily making its way into the curricula and becoming a key issue in tourism education. In this paper, researchers set out to present a comprehensive and exploratory review on the role intercultural competence plays within undergraduate degrees in tourism taking place in Portuguese higher education institutions (HEI). Using both primary and secondary sources, they surveyed a total of fifty-six programs and reflect on how intercultural competence is currently integrated in the different study plans. Within this framework, they also discuss current student mobility strategies and how they can contribute towards student and institutional internationalization. In general, results indicate that most programs cover intercultural issues, being, therefore, aligned with current market and educational trends.

Climate Resilience in Tourism

Virtual Lightning Talk
Laura D. Ell  

The UN World Meteorological Organization (WMO) reports that natural disasters have tripled and the negative economic impact as a result of the weather events has increased five-fold. Following the increased tropical storm activity in the Caribbean in 2017, the tourism sector is seeking climate resilient approaches to support sustainability economically, environmentally, and socio-culturally. With major climate events come compromised tourism infrastructure, loss of hospitality jobs, strains on social-economic systems, and negative public perception for the region which potentially reduces future tourism bookings. This paper will introduce innovative approaches to climate mitigation, highlighting the relationship between the rainforest island of Dominica and UN agencies as they work towards creating the first climate resilient nation in the world. Tactics include new construction standards as well as bamboo and farming techniques to resist soil erosion. Through research of practical solutions and collaboration, susceptible tourism destinations will be more empowered to sustainably deliver quality services to visitors while protecting infrastructure and GDP.

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