Unlocking Charitable Giving with Cryptocurrencies and Decentralization: The Longevity Science Foundation


Everyone at this conference would agree: cryptocurrency is here to stay, and its path to global recognition and success is only getting started. How can nonprofits and other foundations embrace digital currencies to demonstrate their commitment to innovation and new ways of giving? Accepting donations in crypto is a straightforward first step. The newly founded Longevity Science Foundation will provide $1 billion in funding for research on healthier and longer human lifespans–they are using principles of cryptocurrencies to do so. In addition to accepting contributions in crypto, they are adopting a blockchain-based voting mechanism that ensures all donators have their voices heard in the funding process. LSF joins a number of other charitable organizations like St. Jude Children’s Hospital, the SENS Foundation, and more, in accepting crypto and encouraging tech-enabled charitable giving. This is an exciting new model for foundations that will help unite the philanthropic and disruptive technology communities.


Garri Zmudze
Founding Partner, Longevity Science Foundation, Switzerland


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase


Public Policy and Public Perspectives on Aging


Cryptocurrency; Charitable Giving; Decentralization