Current Housing Options Not Meeting Needs for Mobile Seniors in Poland: Polish Seniors Want to Remain Independent as Long as Possible Contrary to Cultural Beliefs


Programs, policies, and research in the senior housing demographic focus on the social, medical, and economic areas of aging. Housing for mobile seniors is an area that is neglected in research. While development of nursing/care homes and social housing units is important, the senior demographic is divers in its mobility, income and living wants. The needs of mobile seniors are not being met in this market. Briefly reviewing historical and current real estate activity in housing development along with surveying active seniors through original research provides the basis of this paper that aims to promote more diverse housing choices and development for mobile seniors. This study focuses on Poland because it is the largest country in Central and Eastern Europe and there are similar real estate and senior housing issues across this region. It is hoped that as a result of this research, Poland could be used as a model to diversify and improve housing conditions for seniors at all levels of age, mobility, and health not only in Poland, but across Central and Eastern Europe. There is an economic and social return on investment for building housing that better meets needs.


Gretchen (Greta) Garniss
Underwriter, Rockland Trust Bank, Massachusetts, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Economic and Demographic Perspectives on Aging


Built Physical Environment, Housing Choice, Mobile Seniors, Multi-family Housing Development