“I’m Not Old, Just Aging:”: Perceptions of Subjective Age and Aging amongst Community-dwelling Older Adults


“Old age” is a relatively new phenomenon in the span of human existence, and these socially constructed markers are associated with age-related norms and expectations (Settersten & Hagestad, 2015), which in turn influence how individuals feel about age and aging. In fact, age-related stereotypes are internalized early in life and shape our beliefs about aging (Levy, 2009). The concept of “aging” often carries a negative connotation in many Western societies; however, research suggests collective perceptions may be shifting as people are living longer lives. This cross-sectional study using survey methodology sought to understand how older people (N = 477) perceive their age by analyzing the responses of closed- and open-ended questions through summative content analysis. The mean age of participants was 63 years, and the average age that they felt was approximately 10 years younger. The seven themes for why individuals did not feel old ranged from: maintaining an active and engaged lifestyle to “I don’t act or look old,” and the seven themes for why individuals felt old ranged from: stopped or changed activities to nearing death. Findings illuminate how subjective age is shaped by perceptions of what it means to be old, and the ways in which these micronarratives are reflective of larger macronarratives surrounding age and aging. Activities and interventions based in positive psychology may promote shifts in age perceptions. For example, findings from one program found that participants were less stressed, reported less tiredness, and were calmer compared to the control group (Greenawalt et al., 2019).


Jill Chonody
Professor, Social Work, Boise State University, United States

Barbra Teater
Professor of Social Work, College of Staten Island and The Graduate Center, City University of New York, New York, United States


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Social and Cultural Perspectives on Aging


Subjective Age, Ageism