The Dilemma of Modern Day Pornography on the Emotional Well-being of the Aged: Clinical Interventions


A number of reliable studies are revealing that significant numbers of senior citizens have the time and resources and are accessing pornography. Pornography today is much more explicit than pornography in the past. Retirement and free time coupled with the availability and accessibility of pornography can create an extremely volatile combination to create significant emotional problems for senior adults.While pornography may be utilized by senior adults for a number of reasons including but not limited to the following: satisfaction of curiosity, continuation of a life long habit, self-esteem issues, sexual intimacy issues and a false sense of confronting loneliness, a major issue with senior citizens. The results of pornography use among senior citizens is disturbing including depression, addiction, objectification of the opposite sex, aggravated loneliness and a host of other issues. The good news is that therapy can and does address these issues. There is hope for senior citizens confronting pornography. This study thoroughly addresses the nature of the problem, why it is growing and what must be done both from a preventative standpoint as well as various interventions to assist the senior citizen struggling with pornography through individual as well as group therapy.


William Viser
Student, Trauma Specialist, Ouachita Baptist University, Arkansas, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Social and Cultural Perspectives on Aging


Pornography, Social Acceptance, Loneliness, Depression, Self-Esteem, Addiction,Relationship Difficulties, Intimacy Issues