Where Are the Geriatricians?: Exploring the Role (or the Lack) of the Specialists of Aging in Italy and Its Effects on the Organization of Long-term Care


Geriatric doctors are considered the specialist of aging and the aging process. However, the number of geriatric doctors in many countries with high numbers of aging adults is limited and, in some cases, is waning. This paper focuses on the case of Italy to explore the reasons for the reductions in the number of geriatricians and geriatric department and their effects on the organization of long-term care at the national level.


Francesca Degiuli
Associate Professor, Social Sciences and History, Fairleigh Dickinson University, New Jersey, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Social and Cultural Perspectives on Aging


Geriatricians, Long-term care organization, Aging process, Medical doctors